Security News Focus: Healthcare Faces Wave of Converged Security Challenges
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Security News Focus: Healthcare Faces Wave of Converged Security Challenges

Healthcare is one of the top sectors that is affected by converged security threats, with cyber breaches potentially affecting the proper operation of medical devices, chart data, and patients’ personal lives.
CSS News

Watch: Converged Security Scenarios and How to Address Them

What are today’s rapidly evolving security challenges? Who can help your team address both cyber and physical threats?

CSS News Round-Up: Converged Security Risks for Infrastructure Include Water and Energy Systems

The Converged Security News Round-Up looks into recent reports and journalism covering converged security threats and trends affecting all industries. You can suggest articles to us on LinkedIn and on Twitter at @ConvergedSecSol. Visit our services page to learn more about the CSS suite of services, including managed security services and end-to-end cyber-and-physical protection.
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5 Key Industries That Should Look Into Converged Security

The increasing discussion around security convergence means that more professionals are aware of the link between cyber and physical attacks. However, the widespread vulnerability to a converged security threat is still underestimated in every industry. Converged Security Solutions has listed five key industries that would benefit from a converged security evaluation for the safety of their assets, employees, and customers.
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CSS News Round-Up: Ransomware Attack Knocks Out Airport Information Systems

The Converged Security News Round-Up looks into recent reports and journalism covering converged security threats and trends affecting all industries. You can suggest articles to us on LinkedIn and on Twitter at @ConvergedSecSol. Visit our services page to learn more about the CSS suite of services, including managed security services and end-to-end cyber-and-physical protection.
CSS News

Prominent IT and Physical Security Companies Evolver and eVigilant Merge to Form Converged Security Solutions

New Organization Positioned to Address Growing Information and Operational Security Complexities through an Integrated Managed Services Security Solution.