About CSS
CSS Announces New SVP of Business Development

RESTON, VA – Converged Security Solutions (CSS) welcomes its newest addition to its senior leadership team, Jamin
Rogovoy, as Senior Vice President of Business Development.
Jamin is a seasoned business development, strategy, and operations executive. He served in the United States
Navy for a decade, including services in Operation Enduring Freedom and on the Presidential Medical Team.
His business development leadership experience includes 12 years in B2G and B2B contracting. During this
time, Jamin’s efforts, ranging from small business to Fortune 500 companies, have contributed to over $1.5
billion in revenue while prioritizing dynamic, quality service.
Before joining CSS, Jamin was the Chief Operations Officer at SoBran, Inc., providing security and Bioscience
services for federal and commercial clients. Previously, Jamin served as the VP of Business Development for
OMNIPLEX, a provider of personnel security services, investigation services, and physical security solutions.
CSS brings on Jamin during an exciting strategic growth period. The company, composed of established brands
Evolver and eVigilant, continues to leverage experts across the security and government services spectrum.
Jamin will work with the variety of CSS service specialists to offer top-line capabilities in cyber defense, risk
quantification, end user support, application development, physical and electronic security, and beyond.
“Jamin has a proven track record of building and managing strong business development teams and a deep
understanding of the marketplace. I am confident that his energy and talents will help move CSS to the next
level of success. Jamin’s expertise will help us effectively manage and grow our business and we are thrilled to
have him on board,” said Mike Santelli, CEO of CSS.
About Converged Security Solutions
Headquartered in Reston, VA, private equity owned Converged Security Solutions (CSS) was established in
September 2018 through the acquisition of Evolver and eVigilant, two prominent, complementary security
companies. CSS provides cybersecurity and infrastructure technology services, alongside physical security and
transportation system design and installation, positioning the firm at the forefront of the emerging end-to-end
security solutions market.